I am Jess. Thirty-something mother of two. Wife to my teenage sweetheart. Cat owner. Lover of interiors and beautiful things. Squaffer of gin. Unashamed use of profanities. Still has dreams of being on stage.

“More than just a giver of life. Forever a tit.”

It all started after the birth of our second child. My husband and I went out on a rare date night and I uploaded some pictures to instagram with the hashtag imapersontoonotjustatit. That hashtag got so many comments which made me think I could be onto something. At that moment in time I was suffering from a massive loss in identity. I was breastfeeding a baby going through the cluster feeding stage so felt like a cow, my hair had started falling out and I was quite unhappy. Needless to say, I was diagnosed a few months later with post natal depression and anxiety.

I had been creating content for some time on a shared blog with my husband but, if I’m honest, I wanted something of my own. It was a way to retain something of myself and also go towards building a new me. So Not Just a Tit was created!

I wanted this to be a blog about being not just a mother. It’s about me. My life with my two gorgeous children, my husband, my family and friends. There’ll be stories about navigating the minefield that is parenting. It’s also about raising awareness of things that are important to me – mental health, flexible working, feminism and gender stereotypes.