Come to Mama! 12 days of Christmas gifts lust list
December 13, 2018
Our office revamp
January 31, 2019Welcome to 2019!
We are in this weird land of limbo at the moment, where 2019 has started a few days ago, yet [some of us] are not properly in the routine yet.
I’ll admit, for some reason the start of the year has brought anxiety with it. I see all these people around me making [possibly soon breaking] new year’s resolutions, talking about the ‘New Year, New Me’ stuff, making plans, setting goals and I haven’t. I’m not interested in really losing weight or having a drastic transformation because I have spent the last few months working on liking ‘me’ again but my head is a shed and I need to do something about it.
So, with that in mind I have decided to take a leaf out of some inspiring peoples’ books and reflect on 2018 and set new goals for myself to smash this year!
Here goes…Come on 2019!!!
Personal – I had joined We Blog North at the end of 2017 but really got my teeth stuck into the community and learnt more about the blogging world in 2018, how to use certain platforms and WordPress, plus met lots of lovely people. This in turn helped me to gain in confidence which was something that was seriously lacking.
Although I had a blip, I was able to ask for help with my mental health and I believe that took real guts therefore that makes it onto my highlight board! Of course, my world is my children and I had a fantastic year watching them grow and making memories with them.
Business – I laid foundations for work and worked with a few regular clients throughout the year.
Brand – I increased my Instagram following to over 5k which completely surpassed the 2k that I had aimed for at the beginning of 2018. I also got this blog up and running plus got a nicely paid gig towards the end of the year that I was chuffed about. I worked with a few brands over last year and was gifted products in exchange for reviews. This is most definitely a highlight for me because I had to approach the brands which was nerve wracking to say the least!
However the biggest highlight for me was winning ‘One to Watch’ at the Northern Blog Awards. I was not expecting this at all and I was absolutely over the moon. It’s a funny old world, this blogging malarkey and being the way I am, I need reassurance and validation from time to time about what I am doing is right or worthy. This award came at the right time!!!
Goals to achieve
Personal – This year is going to be about ME. This is not a selfish thing either because if my mental health and self confidence takes a battering then the people around me suffer. It’s a ripple effect. Therefore I am going to make time for self care, doing creative things that I enjoy doing and stop having negative thoughts about myself.
I am also going to make this year about the kids and having fab experiences with them. Cecily goes to school in September and I’m mindful of the fact that we will soon be working within another organisation’s timetable so I’m going to make the most of our freedom whilst we have it!
Business – I need to sort out the website and social accounts, along with carrying on securing clients. I want to secure at least three big clients this year and learn more about lead generation. Fun stuff!
Brand – I need to take a step back, get some advice from my peers about my Instagram aesthetic and my purpose. At present, the brand is in a strange ‘talk about everything’ place and I need to be more niche.
Nearly every day I am answering a question from someone asking whether I have a YouTube account so I am going to look into this and make it my mission to start on this platform – move The Tit/s to a more permanent video location instead of just insta stories!
I would also love to work with at least three brands this year and work towards earning more money from the blog.
Fingers crossed I will be able to achieve these things. Last year I attended a goal setting workshop run by the fantastic Kat Horrocks and found it very useful – unfortunately my mental health took a bit of a battering which wasn’t expected so I didn’t stick by my plans/goals but this year I am determined to stay on track and really use her tips as a motivator.
Wish me luck!
If you have made goals then let me know what they are and how you plan to stay motivated!