World Breastfeeding Week
August 6, 2018
What the hell…?
August 22, 2018If you were to ask me a week ago whether it was a good idea to go camping with your kids, I’d say DON’T DO IT!
But that was a week ago.
A week ago we were rushing around trying to buy a tent, think up easy meals, pack numerous weather dependent outfit choices and struggle our way through the latest camping related domestic. I wondered what the hell we were thinking saying ‘yes’ to our friends’ invitation to camp with them. Kris was probably wondering the same.
Fast forward to the present day and we made it through two nights in a four man tent camping in Anglesey. It was ok! Yes, we were both knackered after the experience because the kids still woke at the crack of dawn and our bodies hurt but it was fun and the kids loved it!
Only two nights
Yep. That was my limit. We had a fabulous well timed excuse not to do the third night camping…a party, which was not a fictional party either! And I was glad for that excuse because the weather reports indicated that the third night would have been a wash out!
The camp site we stayed at was lovely – clean, friendly staff and stunning views. Actually the whole area was stunning!

The beach at Lligwy Bay
Maybe in a few years I’d consider one of those posh static caravans with a hot tub. That would be a nice little retreat to return to when we’ve got a couple of crazy teenagers that we need to escape from!
Tips for camping with kids
I am by no means an expert. Far from it but these are the things that I learned from our two night experience with the mini beasts…call them camping tips if you will!
- Readybeds seemed like such a good idea (basically a blow up bed with an inbuilt sleeping bag) THEY ARE SHIT. Both of our kids fell out of them and ended in our single sleeping bags. Cosy. Also, take loads and loads of blankets. You’ll thank me.
The readybeds were a nightmare!
- Take things for the kids to do. Sounds simple right? We took crayons, paper, books, dolls, crafting stuff to keep them occupied when all else failed or we had exhausted everything else. Basically you’re camping. Phone signal could be crap meaning that there is no kids Netflix…
- Snacks, snacks, snacks. Need I say more?
- Take easy breakfast items. Our kids wake at the crack of dawn usually so a brioche each usually keeps them quiet an extra ten minutes.
Breakfast time meant brioche & variety pack cereal…remember those?
- Camping pants. Our three year old is well out of nappies now but we have the occasional piss episode. So to avoid a wet camping experience we told her that we all wear camping pants at night. Voila! No pissy bed. No tears from Mummy.
- We kept the routine in as much as possible – if a few hours later than normal. Therefore all bedtime routine stayed in place with bath/shower, storytime and then bed. Seemed to work nicely. Or it could have been the fresh sea air that whacked them out. I’ll go with my routine actually – makes me feel like I’m winning at parenting for once.
- Take a change of clothes everywhere. No, two changes of clothes. We went to the beach and my child did not stop running, even after she ran into the sea. The only thing to stop her was a wave which took her out. Obviously she was wet. I had forgotten to pack extra knickers, tops, etc. She had to go commando wearing her brother’s trousers and a hoodie. Maybe point 6 was where I spoke too soon…
Loving beach life!
- Remember your first aid box. Luckily my friend had hers so all was well with the world when Cecily fell down a hill on gravel and blood was pissing from both her knees and her hands. Minions plasters solved that one!
- If you can find a tracker device (or several) then life will be made glorious if you attach them to your children. Packing up was a nightmare because the kids just kept wandering off!!! Luckily they were just making friends with other kids and hanging round their tents!
- Bubbles solve everything. Pack some bubble wands and you’ll be laughing. Hysterically. Or crying.
The last point is the greatest tip I can give to you. Go to Decathlon. There.
Get the kids earning their keep.
He had to embrace the natural look because he forgot his hairdryer haha!
The onsite park was a hit with the kids!
I know that Kris would definitely want to go camping again. We have all the stuff now so I’m sure I will be made to go…
In all honesty it wasn’t that bad. We used to camp every year when I was growing up but we had a caravan and we used to travel to France. They were actually some of the best holidays where lovely memories were made so I know it would be great for our mini beasts to make their own.
The issue that I have is the wilderness, specifically the creepy crawlies. I just have an irrational fear of the eight legged kind and was further scarred by them the last time we went camping to Scotland (about four/five years ago) when I went to wash my face in the creepy toilet block and a spider got caught in my eyelashes. I kid you not. I nearly popped out a log.
Provided that the camp site is lovely and clean then I’d camp again…
- Readybeds seemed like such a good idea (basically a blow up bed with an inbuilt sleeping bag) THEY ARE SHIT. Both of our kids fell out of them and ended in our single sleeping bags. Cosy. Also, take loads and loads of blankets. You’ll thank me.